Galaxy Crawl
Talk Series

ATT: Galaxy Crawl is no longer running.

ATT: Galaxy Crawl is no longer running.

BUT if you are interested in presenting your work at UArizona, there are other opportunities like the Galaxy Lunch talks or flash talks.

This was a weekly, virtual talk series held in an informal format and centered on the topic of galaxy evolution theory.

The main purpose was to give students and postdocs in at University of Arizona exposure to other institutes when conferences were cancelled or going online due to the pandemic. But we also had a wide audience from other institutions calling in.

I started the sessions in March 2020 when lock-down forced everyone to work from home and it quickly built momentum since then, as a place where we felt less isolated and could share our research results.

Talks listed below are anywhere from 15 to 30 min long and can contain either published work or work in progress that needs comments or both!

Below is a list of all previous, with links to zoom recordings (the links stay active for 200 days after the day of recording!).

2021 Spring

6/2/2021Cameron Hummels (Caltech)Why do Simulations Suck at Modeling the Circumgalactic Medium?-zoom recording
5/26/2021Sebastian Trujillo-Gomez (Heidelberg)Clues to the origin of ultra-diffuse galaxies from their globular clusters: a need to revise the galaxy formation paradigm?Starting 2 hours earlierzoom recording
5/19/2021Anna Ogorzalek (NASA GSFC/UMD)Uncovering the physics behind AGN feedback with high resolution X-ray spectroscopy-zoom recording
5/12/2021Sean Linden (UMass)A Census of Clusters, Clumps, Dust, and Gas in Extreme Extragalactic Environments-zoom recording
5/5/2021Raga Pucha (UArizona)Escape of Lyα in Lyman-alpha Emitters: Dependence on galaxy properties and Environment--
4/28/2021Emily Cunningham (Flatiron Institute)Reading the CARDs: The Imprint of Accretion History on the Milky Way Halo Chemical Plane-zoom recording
4/21/2021Yong Zheng (UC BerkeleyQuantifying the Metals in the Circumgalactic Medium of Local Dwarf Galaxies-For recording, contact Yong
4/7/2021Enrique Vazquez Semadeni (IRyA, UNAM)Non-adiabatic turbulence generation during gravitational collapseStarting 2 hours earlierzoom recording
3/31/2021Shmuel Bialy (CfA Harvard)The FUV interstellar radiation field in galaxy disks-zoom recording
3/24/2021Brant Robertson (UC Santa Cruz)The Physical History of the Intergalactic MediumStarting 2 hours earlierzoom recording
3/17/2021Anna Nierenberg (UC Merced)Measuring the properties of dark matter with strong lensing of unresolved sources-zoom recording
3/10/2021Akaxia Cruz (U Washington)Postponed to a later date!--
3/3/2021Sarah Loebman (UC Merced)Connecting Across Scales: Star Clusters as Probes of Galactic Environment--
2/24/2021Nicole Sanchez (U Washington)Ebb and Flow: Connecting Cosmic Gas Flows, Supermassive Black Hole Growth, and Galactic Evolution-zoom recording
2/17/2021Michael Tremmel (Yale)Dynamic Duos: Supermassive Black Hole Pairs in Merging Galaxies-zoom recording
2/10/2021Spencer Scott (UArizona)Empirically Modeling Galaxy Colors with the UniverseMachine-zoom recording
2/3/2021Stacy Kim (U Surrey)Completeness Corrections and the Small Scale Issues of the Milky Way and BeyondStarting 2 hours earlier to accommodate for European timezone of speakerzoom recording
1/27/2021Laura Blecha (U Florida)Multi-messenger Signatures of Supermassive Black Hole Evolution-zoom recording
1/20/2021TBD-Most likely skipping-
1/13/2021Iryna Butsky (U Washington)Impact of Cosmic Rays on Thermal Instability in the Circumgalactic Medium-zoom recording

2020 Fall

12/17/2020Amy Sardone (Ohio State University)A Census of Neutral Hydrogen in the Nearby Universe-zoom recording
12/10/2020Johnny Greco (Ohio State University)Counting Giants: Measuring distances to low-luminosity galaxies using surface brightness fluctuations-zoom recording
12/3/2020--No speaker, skipping-
11/26/2020--Skipping due to Thanksgiving-
11/19/2020Mahsa Kohandel (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy)Dynamics of galaxies at the Epoch of ReionizationStarting 2 hours earlier to accommodate for European timezone of speakerzoom recording
11/12/2020Laura Sommovigo (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy)Some like it hot: dust in high-redshift galaxiesStarting 2 hours earlier to accommodate for European timezone of speakerzoom recording
11/5/2020Yuxiang Qin (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy)A tale of two sites — inferring the properties of minihalo-hosted galaxies from current observations and upcoming 21-cm interferometersStarting 2 hours earlier to accommodate for European timezone of speakerzoom recording
10/29/2020Karen Olsen (U Arizona)Infrared Emission Line Modeling of the Interstellar Medium-zoom recording
10/22/2020Haowen Zhang (U Arizona)Trinity: Statistical Dark Matter Halo—Galaxy—Supermassive Black Hole Connection from z=0-10-zoom recording
10/15/2020Paul Bennet (STScI) and Ananthan Karunakaran (Queens)“Constraining Ultra-Diffuse Galaxy Formation Mechanisms using Neutral Atomic Gas” and “The Scatter in the Satellite Luminosity Function of Local Volume Galaxies”-zoom recording
10/8/2020Amanda Quirk (UCSC)A Tale of Two Galaxies: Asymmetric Drift in the Disks of M31 & M33Starting 2 hours earlier to accommodate schedule of speakerzoom recording
10/1/2020Antonela Monachesi (U Serena)The stellar halos and bulges of Milky Way like simulated galaxies from the Auriga project-zoom recording
9/24/2020Khyati Malhan (Stockholm University)Stellar streams as probes of dark matter density profiles in low-mass galaxy halos (cusp/core?)Starting 2 hours earlier to accommodate for European timezone of speakerzoom recording
9/17/2020Prerak Garg (U Florida)The BPT Diagram in Cosmological Galaxy Formation Simulations (Understanding the Physics Driving Offsets at High-Redshift)-zoom recording
9/10/2020Ferah Munshi (U Oklahoma), Elaad Applebaum (Rutgers)Heroically simulating the formation and evolution of ultra-faint dwarfs-zoom recording
9/3/2020--Skipping due to STsCI symposium-
8/27/2020Sankalp S Gilda (U Florida)mirkwood: SED fitting for the Twenty-First CenturyChanging time from Tuesdays to Thursdays!zoom recording

2020 Spring

8/18/2020Marla Geha (Yale) and Yao-Yuan Mao (Rutgers)The SAGA Survey: Building a Statistical Sample of Satellite Galaxies in Milky Way-like Systems-zoom recording
8/11/2020Andrey Kravtsov (U Chicago)A simple forward model for evolution of dwarf galaxies-zoom recording
8/4/2020Desika Narayanan (U Florida)Powderday: Dust radiative transfer for galaxy simulations-zoom recording
7/28/2020Wren Suess (Berkeley)Color gradients in 1.0 < z < 2.5 galaxies: clues to quenching and structural growth--
7/21/2020Peter Behroozi (U Arizona)Predictions for JWST from the UniverseMachine--
7/14/2020Sandro Tacchella (CfA Harvard)Stochastic modelling of star-formation histories--
7/7/2020Rohan Naidu (CfA Harvard)Unraveling the Milky Way’s Stellar Halo with the H3 Survey--
6/30/2020Clarke Esmerian (UChicago)Thermal Instability in the CGM of L* Galaxies: Testing “Precipitation” Models with the FIRE Simulations--
6/23/2020Shmuel Bialy (CfA Harvard)Modeling the thermal phases of the interstellar medium in star-forming galaxies from solar metallicity to primordial gas--
6/16/2020Allison Man (U Toronto)Quenching star formation of galaxies: why, how, and what do we know?--
6/9/2020Benedikt Diemer (UMD)Structure formation with the SPARTA code: halo catalogs, subhalos, and much, much more--
6/2/2020- - Skipped in honour of Black Lives Matter-  
5/26/2020Mike Boylan-Kolchin (UT Austin)UT Austin projects overview--
5/19/2020Christine Simpson (U Chicago)The Effect of Cosmic Rays on Star Formation--
5/12/2020Garreth Martin (U Arizona)Stripping of galaxies--
5/5/2020Greg Snyder (STScI), Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez (IRyA), Paul Torrey (U Florida)Galaxy merger rates in simulation and observation--
4/28/2020Katarina Kraljic (U Edinburgh)The Cosmic web--
4/21/2020Jonás Chaves-Montero (Argonne National Laboratory) and Phil Mansfield (U Chicago)“Forward modeling Galaxy colors” and “The reliability of cosmological simulations”--
4/14/2020Kristen McQuinn and Grace Telford (Rutgers)Star formation histories of nearby dwarf galaxies--
4/7/2020Sidney Lower (U Florida) and Joel Leja (CfA Harvard)“Modeling stochastic star formation histories” and “A revised estimate of the star formation rate density”--